Wednesday 18 December 2013

Dharamshila Cancer Hospital and Research Centre

About Us

A group of concerned relatives and friends of cancer patients felt the need to provide complete cancer treatment under one roof. They felt it was their Dharma (duty) to provide to cancer patients what was not available to their near and dear ones when they suffered with cancer. They laid the Shila (foundation) of their duty by registering a non-government voluntary organization - Dharamshila Cancer Foundation and Research Centre (DCFRC) on 19 April 1990, with the sole objective of making cancer treatment available, accessible and afforadable. DCFRC Commissioned the first phase of the hospital with 100 beds in 1994 and expanded to 300 beds in 2006. 

Dharamshila hospital is the first and only cancer hospital of India accredited by NABH not only for cancer but for all other Allied specialities. Dharamshila Labs are also Accredited by NABL. 

About Cancer Hospital in India

DHRC provides preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, palliative and support services under one roof. Responding to the healthcare needs of the community all other allied services like Neurosurgery, Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, Dental and Faciomaxillary Surgery, Orthopaedics, Gastroenterology, Nephrology and Urology etc. were added. 

DHRC is continuously adding cutting edge technologies, practicing evidence based medicine and following international treatment protocols, to achieve best treatment outcomes. 

High quality standards of treatment, complete patient safety and satisfaction, improving cure rates and adding quality to life will always be our hallmark. The hospital has evolved into North India's premier cancer institute, treating all types of cancers and is one of the first to explore gene therapy. 

Being sensitive to the physical, medical, emotional and financial needs of the patients, DHRC serves them with love, devotion, compassion, committment and postitive attitude. 

Transparent and honest billing policies and above mentioned factors have helped us to win our patients and expand our referral base to all over India and Neighbouring countries. 

To add to the pool of trained and skilled manpower, we were first in India to start three years full time doctorate course - DNB Medical Oncology in 2002, DNB Surgical Oncology in 2003 and Post Basic Diploma in Oncology Nursing in 2010.

Specialized Treatment


Until the early '90s, North India did not have a hospital to provide exclusive cancer care under one roof. Patients had to go either to the 25-bed cancer wing of AIIMS, New Delhi or the overcrowded Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai. Dharamshila Cancer Foundation and Research Centre was therefore registered as a NGO to start North India's first state-of-the-art comprehensive cancer care and research centre. The first phase of Dharamshila Hospital and Research Centre (DHRC) with 100 beds was commissioned in July 1994. New facilities with an additional 250 beds were commissioned in October 2007, making it the largest cancer hospital of North India.


The Hospital provides diagnostic facilities and treatment radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, rehabilitation and palliative care under one roof. Most diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are available.
The department of radio-diagnosis and imaging offers facilities for nuclear scans, digital spiral CT scans, mammography, ultrasonography, echocardiography, endoscopies, digital radiography, CT and ultrasound-guided procedures. PET-CT will be installed shortly.
The department of pathology offers facilities for cytology, histopathology, frozen sections, immunohistochemistry, tumour markers, haematology, cytochemistry, biochemistry, clinical pathology and microbiology.
The department of radiation oncology has two linear accelerators with IMRT capabilities, microselectron HDR with TCS remote after loading brachytherapy equipment for providing intraluminal, intracavitary, interstitial and surface mould radiation in 10–15 minutes, compared to two-three days by conventional methods; three treatment planning systems (including 3-D eclipse TPS) and inverse planning system, amorphous silicon online treatment port verification system and mould room facilities.
Recently Dharamshila Hospital And Research Centre (DHRC)has taken another pioneering step for advanced cancer treatment, by commissioning Delhi’s first Linear Accelerator with VMAT technology. The new technology delivers targeted radiation. It delivers IMRT, IGRT, SRS, SRT, and SBRT with Arc Therapy.
The department of surgical oncology has seven modern operation theatres, fitted with laminar flows, and hepafilters and endoscopy suite to offer all types of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies. The department performs cancer surgeries including routine, high risk and emergency surgeries.
The department of haematomedical oncology provides chemotherapy, immunological/biological therapy, hormonal therapies, targeted therapies, neutropenic care, nutritional therapy, blood and blood component therapy, palliative and supportive care. These core departments are supported by consultants from anaesthesiology, cardiology, dental, dermatology, diabetology, ENT, endocrinology, emergency services, gynaecology and obstetrics. Other supporting specialities include gastroenterology, gastro intestinal surgery, general, neuro, paediatric and laparoscopic surgery, internal medicine, nephrology, and neurology. For post-operative continuing therapy, the Hospital can also call on specialists from ophthalmology, orthopaedics, occupational therapy, paediatrics, plastic and maxillo facial surgery, psychiatry, pulmonology, physiotherapy, pharmacy and urology. Thus almost all imaginable consequences are catered for in one location.


  • The main departments at DHRC are:
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Surgical Oncology
  • Medical Oncology
  • Gynec Oncology
  • Radiology & Imaging
  • Pathology & Blood Bank
  • Anesthesiology and ICU
  • Allied Services
  • Medical Records
  • Physiotherapy

To offers its patients complete cancer care under one roof, DHRC also has other departments that deal in the following allied specialities:

  • Cardiology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Neurology
  • Urology
  • Orthopedics
  • ENT
  • Pediatrics
  • Gynecology
  • Internal Medicine
  • Dermatology
  • Dental
  • Diabetology
  • Endocrinology
  • Nephrology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Pain Clinic
  • Pulmonology
  • Occupational Therapy


  1. First and only NABH accredited cancer hospital in India.[4]
  2. First cancer hospital of India, certified for implementing integrated quality and environment management systems conforming to ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 standards by TUV Germany.
  3. First hospital in India, given accreditation by National Board of Examination for the Diplomate National Board (DNB) Programme in medical and surgical oncology.
  4. Only hospital in India, treating brain tumors with interstitial implants using Microselectron HDR with TCS (brachytherapy).
  5. First private sector cancer hospital in North India to commission, digital, dual energy, solid state, linear accelerator, 3D TPS and CT Simulation.
  6. First private sector Blood Bank of North India with cold room storage facilities for 8000 fresh frozen plasma and 2000 blood units.
  7. First private sector cancer hospital in North India, to start treating acute leukemias in a dedicated leukemia wing.
  8. Only cancer hospital, planning treatment of each and every patient in multi-specialty Tumor Board.
  9. First cancer hospital in India giving intra-arterial, intra-hepatic chemotherapy by continuous method using electronic pumps.
  10. First awake craniotomy performed on 18.03.2004.
  11. First medical oncologist of India trained in DNB Medical Oncology (2001–2004)
  12. Delhi’s first Linear Accelerator with VMAT technology 2010


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